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I was like wtf! It's been ages... Those pictures are like kept in the museum or what??? After 4 years and today baru I see all those camp pictures. Like... wtf! Anyway, let me shoe you some of the pictures aite (:
This was the 1st day on the Inter-Rota camp. There was 10 of us joining this camp and now all of us are Ex-Lutongnians. So yeah. I kinda miss that camp because from there I met like lots of friends from different background and different schools (: and I totally enjoy it much (:
This was my group which consist of 7 people and I was kinda the leader. lolx! We called ourselves as the Fantastic :P Ha ha. That time the movie Fantastic four just went out in cinema. So from there la I got it. Ha ha! lolx! There was Joy, Hanie, Myself, Aloysius, Julia and another 2 more members which I forgot their names (I'm sorry)
The 1st day of the camp where we all had our early dinner at Tanjung Lubang and there we are the Lutongnians doing such crazy stuff. Ha ha! lolx!
This was the 2nd day of the camp and as you can see, we are actually playing futsal (World cup fever that time) and it was 7-8am in the morning and we were suppose to take our shower before that because at 8.30am, the bus is gonna pick us up to curtin for some talks and there we still playing futsal while others already shower and asked us to shower :P haha!
The Lutongnians with the senior who decided to do this awesome camp (Bay is the senior. The 1st person on the left is him)
Joy. 1 of the 1st girl I met in that camp. It was Double Dee's friend and Joy is a pretty awesome girl. She like so funny and hell yeah she have a waterbed tummy. Ha ha! I miss her waterbed tummy eyh :P lolx! Anyway, I gave her nickname on that 1st day of the camp. Which it was "Joy To The World" lolx! Ha ha!
After the talk given by Uncle David (Which he happened to be 1 of the members of Rotarian club) so we took our pictures together with him (:
This was the 3rd and the last day of the camp and there we used our own Interact club T-shirt. There's Julia, Hanie and me (:
We went to the old folks house. We paint that place and gosh I had lots of fun with the old folks. I mean, they are fun actually. We just have to know them better and not to put them in the old folks house. We should just let them stayed in the family. Just have to know better. I felt sorry for the families who sent them there.
Last but not least. Before we went back to our place of stay which was at Curtin Villa. He he! I miss all the fun and yeah! I would like to meet all of them once more (: This is just part of the pictures which there is still A LOT MORE but hell no I'm gonna put inside my blog. It's really really many I tell you. Serious shit! Ha ha! Anyway, hope you all had fun reading my memories when I was form5 (: He he. Oh yeah.. Just for the record. This camp was held on the year 2006 and I only got all of the pictures like today. How frustrating is that right! Bodoh eh. Ha ha! lolx! But atleast I got it already. Yeay! Ha ha! Have fun! Ta ta!p/s: imissyouprincess
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