Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bored of waiting -_-||

Now I'm currently at home waiting for the time till I go to the airport. I got like another 2 more hours till I go to the airport. The exact time right now is 2.10pm and my flight is not till 5.40pm. Miri now is raining cats and dogs and I have no idea if my flight would be either delay or cancel. Still not sure though. Anyway, while waiting... I was browsing through the internet looking for your guardian angel's guitar chords and piano (brought by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus band) I finally found it but I'm stuck on the piano chords. Ha ha. My intend was to search the guitar chords but I end up watching the piano video. lolx!

Let's move on...

Last night I sleep a little bit late because Bryan was at my cribs. We were like talking a lot of stuff since 11pm till 2pm. lolx! Crazy stuff, suggestions, ideas and traveling. Not only that, we both were like talking a lots of secrets. lolx! His secret and even including mine. I even told him that I now know how to blush and become shy. WTF! Ha ha!

Reach Kuching I think I'm going to have my goodnight rest because the next morning I'm going to have my freaking class -_-|| and maybe... Just maybe... In the afternoon, I need to go to the furniture store to buy my own cupboard. I think my uncle gonna follow me to choose which cupboard to buy. He he!

Last but not least,

Going to miss everything I've done here in Miri and gosh I'm so happy (: Thanks to my family, my friends (especially Bryan Benny).. That guy makes my world gone crazy even though I am already crazy. lolx! Not to forget... 'SHE' (: You make me love you every each day pass by (: Love you!

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