Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nickname: Turtle Boi by Amalina Malimali

So here's a picture of a turtle. A friend of mine who comes by the name Daniella Consuelo Dan gave me this picture which she and her father accidentally found on the road side. So as you can see... I kinda love turtle so much and this turtle reminds me a friend of mine who gave me a nickname which state on my title of my blog today. Basically she gave me the name Turtle Boi because whenever she asked me a question (any question), I kinda answer her question totally late or even get blur so fast. lolx! But hey. Thanks for that cute nickname though. I totally love it. Not forgetting Consuelo for giving me this cute little turtle (which is still afraid) lolx! Thanks a lot and I really2 like it. Seriously, this is my first turtle picture I receive from any of my friends and it really means a lot to me (:

Anyway, I got a bad dream today. I dream about a black snake bite on my right hand. Not only it bite my hand. The snake even GO IN my hand. Scary though. Sigh! Some people says that having a snake in a dream means something bad. I couldn't remember what it was but so far I haven't got any bad things happen yet though. lolx! Hopefully there isn't any bad things happen to me though. Sigh!

Kuching here is so damn freaking hot! I mean seriously... It's totally hot. I try to take a short nap in the afternoon also very hard. What more to say just wanna lay down on the sofa. I mean seriously, I even shower on my own sweat. I really sweat like a pig! Sigh! Hold on.. Have anyone seen a pig sweat? lolx! I haven't though. I wonder how does pig sweat. Ha ha! lolx! :P Anyway, that's it for now. Will be updating again once more. (:

Heroes & Her

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